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The key is locked at home, how to use the card to unlock or other good methods

2022-10-25 08:50

How do you open a locked lock with a card? What to do if you locked your keys in your house? Follow this article, then you will find this article!
1. Using A Credit Card
Insert the card in the gap between the door frame and the lock. Push the lock toward the door by bending the card backward. In most cases, this can open a locked door.
However, there are instances when the door has no gap between its frame and the lock. In this case, try inserting the card at any point above the lock between the door and its frame. Next, quickly swipe the card downward, while also pulling the credit card toward the door frame until the door unlocks.
If the angled end of the latch bolt is facing you, use a credit card to pop it open by applying pressure on the angled end. When the card slides between the latch bolt and the doorjamb, twist the doorknob and open the door.
2. Use a Coat Hanger
The coat hanger method is one method I'm pretty familiar with—I remember watching my dad use a coat hanger to unlock his car a few years back. I will say that it took him a pretty long time, but he eventually got it, saving him a call to the local locksmith and probably a hundred bucks or so.
You'll need a wire hanger so you can untwist it and make a hook that goes inside the weather stripping in the window. From here, you have to jiggle it around until you find the locking mechanism. It may take some time, but it's worth the trouble when you're desperate. If you have your phone handy, you can try googling your car's door locking mechanism to figure out where to aim the hanger.
3. Lock-picking
The most popular and well-known method of opening a lock is via lock-picking. This technique typically requires a set of lock-picks but can be accomplished using a couple of paper-clips.
The lock-picking steps may seem simple, but they actually take time and practice to truly master. If you find yourself getting locked out frequently, this may be a handy skill to have. Several locksmiths use this technique before anything else. You only require two tools – a tension wrench and a rake. 
The first step is to insert the tension wrench into the lock and rest it on the opposite side from where the teeth of the key would normally rest. If you do not know which way the lock turns, turn the wrench to identify the most likely direction. This will be the direction to turn when the time comes.
Hold the tension wrench twisted in the correct direction and insert the rake into the lock where the teeth of the keys would go. Push and pull the rake out of the lock, twisting it and working by feel. 
By working the rake in the lock, you should feel the key pin reach the shear line (where the teeth would push them to)
Twist the tension wrench in the correct direction, and the lock should spring open!
Like I said earlier, this sounds much easier than it is in practice.  In a pinch, you can use paper clips, but they will not have the same ease of use as real lock picks.
4. Using a Bump Key
Bump open a tumbler lock. Bumping a lock is a quick, simple lock picking technique that is useful in the case of having to open a door that's been closed for a long time (for example, of an unused home on family property), or if you need to break into an elderly relative's house to make sure they're okay.
First use a small screwdriver and paper clip to lock the keyhole with a small screwdriver, then use a paperclip or thin wire to make a small hook shape and repeatedly pull the pin in the lock cylinder until the small screwdriver can be moved. Then perform the unlock operation. And by the way, if you want to use the Lock Picking method, you’d better find the best place to buy Lock Picks, is the best place for you!